CD Player Recommendations 5-8k range please help

Okay guys, looking for recommendations for CD players or trans/dac in the 5-8k range, new or used. My system: 380s Levinson preamp, 336 Levinson amp, B&W Diamond 801 speakers, Audioquest cables. I own and have been using the Levinson 390s cd player (very good all around, maybe lacking in detail?), and recently tried Ayre CX-7e (impressed, good detail and bottom end, but soundstage not as good?). Why am I upgrading? Made the mistake of buying a VPI Scoutmaster, Shelter 501 mk2 cart, and Sutherland PHD phono preamp. Mistake? Not really, the sound with good vinyl kills the cd players I have, but I do not have time for all that is required with analog. I sold the analog system, and am searching for that great sound from a cd player. Help! Any suggestions for me? Thank you in advance!
I would add a PS audio P300. It would make more analogoue sounding the ML 390s, while arguably would also benefit all source analog componenst and your preamp.
A used Accustic Arts CD-1 Drive with the used Accustic Arts DAC-1 MK 3 using a balanced digital cable like the Virtual Dynamics Revelation.
Corvette_tuner, I'll say it again. Cables.
Try the 2 ICs I mentioned.
I have B&Ws and use AZ interconnects.
Increadible detail, smoothness and soundstage.

With a cd player upgrade, you'll gain very little for a lot more money. Your Levinson is fine. Your cables are the performance bottleneck.