Anybody use a single ended component with one that is balanced?

I currently have a single ended pass xa25 amp which is excellent but am looking to upgrade to an arc balanced pre. I was told arc works best balanced but I will have to use the rcas.

Anybody been in a situation like this? Will I really be compromising the sound of the arc using it in single ended mode? I know there are people who prefer single ended.



Almost all of the above are utter garbage. My company wired recording studios and we interfaced balanced and unbalanced gear all day long. Balanced lines are to increase noise immunity over long runs. Period. No Noise, No Need. There is no inherent sonic quality to balanced vs unbalanced. Improperly done balanced is vastly inferior to a properly done unbalanced.

It's important to know the circuit topologies and how the amps and other components are connected to earth safety.

Some outputs MUST use only one side to connect to unbalanced gear. Other are able to connect one or either phase to 0vA. [Not ground, as so many incorrectly refer to signal reference.] It's only ground if the signal reference is connected to the AC line Earth Safety.

Everyone read and  understand

PM with any technical questions.

Nope, one or the other. I've been enjoying silver BNC connectors for several years now.

Some people did think the balanced connection is better, which is not true. The most important things is the amplifier design. balanced or unbalanced is not the key matter,and we should not get the conclusion based on that.



If you are mixing single-ended and balanced inputs into an ARC pre-amp, forget using any adapters unless you have too many inputs of one type.  

ARC, like Ayre, provides multiple (typically 3) input connectors of each type. Just use the assigned single-ended or balanced ports. They are included by ARC  for a reason.  With Ayre, the component  circuits provide proper compensation for signal differences between the two.  I would be 99% certain that ARC does something similar.

It is also noted that multiple prominent reviewers routinely mix SE and balanced feeds into these amps.

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