Streaming music sounds better late at night. Is this just me?

I listen to both analogue and digital. For digital, I stream from Qobuz or Tidal into my Lumin X1 streamer/DAC. I noticed that the sound quality from streaming seems to be better later at night (11 pm e.g.) whereas my analog sounds the same. I am thinking that streaming sounds better late night because public use of the internet is lower at that time. I have Comcast service and use their modem with direct ethernet connection into my Lumin X1. Am I imagining this or do other audiophiles also notice this?


You can simply improve power. Direct lines, made of audiophile wire, you can go further on that… I think it was Stereophile last month about complete home power equipment replacement. On the digital end there is an Ethernet regenerated… and / or audiophile router. But like all things you have to balance cost with benefit and where else you could have spent the money.


After I reach a new level with my equipment… I occasionally do a small upgrade to see it’s effect… until there isn’t much (really never happened). I added a second direct line for my amp recently… it made a significant improvement. 

I totally agree with this.  I liken listening at night versus during the day as listening with a good power conditioner versus plugged into the wall.  It’s like our whole “perceived” noise floor of the world declines significantly at night.  I can’t measure it and can’t come close to explaining it, but if I really wanna explore the differences between gear I do it at night and not during the day.  That’s the best I can describe it.  Just my $0.02 FWIW. 

Let’s not ignore another more humanistic factor that may come into play here, in that one may feel more relaxed and receptive in ones self at such a time of day, for my part I find a nice glass of 20 yr old single malt contributes enormously .