Multichannel power amplifers VS 2 channel power amplifiers

Has anyone here been satisfied with usage of a multichannel power amp for multitasking in 2 channel applications? In other words, did it ever keep up with your hifi stereo power amps in a stereo application?

Asking for a friend who doesn't have the space for 9 or 10 monoblocks! His budget is between 1 to 2k and I don't have experience with any modern amps in this relatively more modest price category.


@mesch ....Assuming the 2 channel amp would cover the 2 fronts, that leaves out the center channel for the receiver's power amp section on your suggested solution. The center channel is just as important as the 2 fronts on a multichannel music setup.

Oh, there’s a receiver?  Gee, that woulda been nice to know.  Thanks for all the helpful info you’ve provided to help us help you.  NOT.  How inconsiderate and rude!  I’m out — not gonna waste my time throwing darts blindfolded. 

@deep_333 I was thinking 2-channel for music and multi for video. Why wouldn't a receiver work for the center as well for the rear channels.

@mesch what we have here is someone who wants to make it as hard as possible to help them.  I already mentioned it, and I think he just beat you over the head for trying to help him.  I think it’s time to let this guy just help himself since he’s so unhelpful in letting any of us try to help him and his hapless friend.