Multichannel power amplifers VS 2 channel power amplifiers

Has anyone here been satisfied with usage of a multichannel power amp for multitasking in 2 channel applications? In other words, did it ever keep up with your hifi stereo power amps in a stereo application?

Asking for a friend who doesn't have the space for 9 or 10 monoblocks! His budget is between 1 to 2k and I don't have experience with any modern amps in this relatively more modest price category.


@deep_333 I was thinking 2-channel for music and multi for video. Why wouldn't a receiver work for the center as well for the rear channels.

@mesch what we have here is someone who wants to make it as hard as possible to help them.  I already mentioned it, and I think he just beat you over the head for trying to help him.  I think it’s time to let this guy just help himself since he’s so unhelpful in letting any of us try to help him and his hapless friend.  

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There are no multi-channel anything that can keep up with stereo. The choice is clear. Either you want quality, in which case you want stereo, or you want quantity, in which case knock yourself out buying as many things as they can stuff in a box and connect it to as many boxes as you can stuff in a room.

Just please don't kid yourself that there's any overlap between the two.