in a word: Adam smith+Marx+Freud+Darwin FOUR alleged geniuses coming really from only one sourcing head before them ... History is a great master when we read it...
all these ideas comes from ONLY one source : Bernard Mandeville...
verify by yourself...
Guess who study Mandeville till this day like an operating manual ?
A cue:
Dr. Bernard Mandeville. Lecture on a Master Mind.
HAYEK Friedrich August von (1966.)
In this conference Hayek pointed out the fact that Mandeville is a greater psychological and sociological master than an economical master like Keynes think he was ...
Think about that Keynes and Hayek arguing about in what field this genius is the greatest...
Invite Rockfeller now and Karl Schwab and ask them where Mandeville is the greatest , they will say manipulation of masses and Crowd psychology...
Ask the father of transhumanism in which field Mandeville is the greatest: they will answer that he is the FIRST to understand animals are perfect robot after Descartes but contrary to Descartes he was the first to PROVE it and he demonstrate how men is a workable animals and future cyborg in a perfect hive...
Now guess what Freud and his nephew Edward Bernays would say about our master....They will say that he discover the unconscious and his way of working in a more general way than Freud himself thought in a more restricted way because Freud had no deep sociological insight in the collective....
Ask the dead Marx how the Mandeville more general class theory struggles explained his own more restricted class theory linked to a more superficial economical insight than in liberal economy thinkers before him, all of which come anyway already from Mandeville...
I will let that to pounder in you...
When genius are too deep or too clever nobody understand them save a few for the worst or for the better...
Ask Darwin and he will say that Mandeville idea of society influence him at least on par with Malthus....And even Maltus read Mandeville anyway through Adam Smith which is indepted to Mandeville for most of his ideas...
Ok no single man could explain history and all ideas by himself alone...
My sketched arguments here was to UNDERLINE a deep undercurrent with one of his first conscious source till powerful today...
Then think and dont argue that Mandeville cannot explain all there is in the last 3 centuries i know that perfectly well...
But Chance dont explain why so much of the more powerful influent ideologies to come after Mandevillre were all in the single egg of his story of the fable of the bees and his subsequent works of philosophy....
I wrote all this to make you think about the ACTUAL CRISIS and his meaning...Not reading newspaper but genius itself...
Dont read audio magazine read Helmholtz and some acousticians...
Dont upgrade your brain embed it rightfully....