Ready For Digital Source...Computer - Continued!

I'm back at it, as I never really figured out which way to go. Still preferring the laptop route, I watched this today:



It's not that I would base any purchase of either a laptop or a streamer on this less than stunning review. I just thought it was interesting that he said he could hear a little difference between the two. That's all.

For the money, you can build a pretty good streamer with an Intel Nuc-Look at John Darko's website.

Though it you really want the highest quality, then an Innuos, Aurender, etc. would be the way to go. IMHO


I just thought it was interesting that he said he could hear a little difference between the two. That's all.

It’s not all that interesting when you consider how little info the “reviewer” gives on the perspective, detail, and background for his assertions.  IMHO, this is not a “review” at all and is virtually worthless as a source of useful buying advice for any serious audiophile.  Pursue it at your own risk. 

soix - Will do.

I was considering a Hegel H390 which has a streamer built-in. Maybe better than a computer.