Anybody use a single ended component with one that is balanced?

I currently have a single ended pass xa25 amp which is excellent but am looking to upgrade to an arc balanced pre. I was told arc works best balanced but I will have to use the rcas.

Anybody been in a situation like this? Will I really be compromising the sound of the arc using it in single ended mode? I know there are people who prefer single ended.


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i have the Pass XA25 too and use the balanced out connections from my Cary SLP 05 preamp.  I used to have a balanced amp and wanted to re use the excellent van den hul XLR cables.  At the amp I use a neutrik female XLR to male RCA cable adapter.  it may be the Cary preamp circuitry but the sound is much better using the balanced outs vs RCA outs.  



So you’re saying a female balanced adapter on the arc pre from the pass rca could work out better than se to se?

I’ve always had single ended amps and preamps.   The inclusion of XLR inputs and outputs just make it more flexible now and in the future.