amplifier longevity

Is there any difference in longevity and or reliability between valve amps and solid state amps?

I thought that perhaps design differences between ss and tube amps  might  be a factor here.

Specifically I am considering the valve amps by Rogue Audio vs. the solid state amps by Luxman, both great brands in my opinion.




Tube amps can last a long time because they are fairly easy to repair. Solid state amps, on the other hand, can have their lifespan limited by parts becoming obsolete. Lot of amps made in the 90's used transistors (very good ones by Toshiba and Motorola) that are now no longer made. As long as parts are available, solid state amps can last forever. (Some would say the capacitors go bad, which they can, but for the most part if they are good quality they will last years. The power supply caps in my vintage 70's Marantz receiver test like new to this day).

My ARC SP9mkll is from the mid eighties and is 100% stock except the tubes. My Acoustat model x amps are also from the mid eighties. I replaced some tubes and  caps and did some updates, but they are basically the same and still get used at least once week.


I have my Ayre stuff for about 12 yers or so.....never a problem.   I sent the amp back to Ayre for a look-see........they sent it back without needing any repair

I think if it has pcbs that can be an issue to ultimate longevity.  Point to point wired amps will probably live forever as repairs are always much easier.

good answers… 1961 and going strong with a refresh and some modifications….

i wouldn’t worry about generalities but instead focus on a particular model that trusted audiophiles or service people have seen for years….when doing buying homework…..