The Boss is the Bo$$

Bruce Springsteen gets paid

I lost interest after Darkness but, good for Bruce.


I guess all of you Springsteen bashers are much better song writers than Bruce. For all of us that grew up handing out on the streets and boardwalks he wrote anthems that connected with all of us.

His early albums are still some of my favorites and I can still remember the first time I heard Born To Run on the radio.



"I guess all of you Springsteen bashers are much better song writers than Bruce."

Tough crowd in here, tglib.

I  could care less about an artists personal beliefs, as it seems to bother some.

Springsteen did a heck of a lot better than ZZ Top with their measly 50 million. 

@tgilb - Are you saying one shouldn't criticize anything that one cannot do better? That otherwise we should not have an opinion on it? 

I wish I could post photos from my computer files; I'd put one up that I took of Bruce and Clarence at a show in 1975 in Oakland... 

I'm not a Bruce-basher, not a big fan either. Born to Run was a great homage to the Phil Spector sound and had some awesome songs, as did 'Darkness', but I didn't follow him after that.

Happy Holidays!! 

@larsman - I was just making a light statement and have no issue with anyone criticizing anything. We all have our own musical tastes and the variety of artists and genres of music is what makes this hobby great. 

I was also a big Springsteen fan in his early days and didn't follow him much after Tunnel Of Love but still admire him for his song writing ability and longevity. The artists that hang around for 50 years must be doing something right. 
