By the way the experience of music and sound NEED to be understood by a phenomenological approach... Why?
Because sound and music are completely unexplanable without a lived experience of physical acoustic and psycho-acoustic at the same times in our room...
Sound must be seen like a dynamic surface and volume and the dynamical micro structure of the playing timbre must be perceived concretely...Music must be seen so to speak...
Physical acoustic and psycho-acoustic are 2 faces of the same experience united in one perception, divided by nominalist technology or attitude...
The sound and music and the internal qualities of a resonant body are perceived DIRECTLY through the waves-image transmitted by the air...
Without that goal and experience people are in the cult of engineering marketting buying spree or listen sound and music guided only by their conditioned taste and habit... Discovery cannot be produced by our taste only or by our habits...But by listenings experiments...
I think that my posts are all in the spirit of this thread and absolutely not off-topic save for those who cannot think anymore...
Feel free to criticize me BUT with arguments only....