Best speakers around $130k?




Conspicuous consumption, bad for the planet.


Are you f$&kin kidding me? Can you please explain how spending money on a luxury item is “bad for the planet”? This is why people roll their eyes at tree huggers.


Spend $50k on room treatment and buy your favorite $50k speakers. It won’t matter because your room will be perfect for almost all speakers. My favorite are Sonas Faber. I don’t own them, but I love their sound. The room is just as important. 


Now this might just be the smartest advice yet….

Wilson Audio Alexx V or used XVX speakers would be the best sounding for that price, but you can certainly find speakers that look more stylish where less money went into sound R&D and more went into style.

"Are you f$&kin kidding me? Can you please explain how spending money on a luxury item is “bad for the planet”? This is why people roll their eyes at tree huggers."

The earth is about 4 billion years old. Humans and their ancestors have been walking the planet for about 6 million years. Humans are bad for the planet!