Anybody use a single ended component with one that is balanced?

I currently have a single ended pass xa25 amp which is excellent but am looking to upgrade to an arc balanced pre. I was told arc works best balanced but I will have to use the rcas.

Anybody been in a situation like this? Will I really be compromising the sound of the arc using it in single ended mode? I know there are people who prefer single ended.



I have run my Pass diy Amp Camp monoblocs in both, each time with a Pass diy preamp — the Zen Balanced Line Stage  and the (SE) B1 Korg Nutube model. (The DAC is also balanced output.) The ZBLS has both outputs, but I think the Amp Camps definitely sound best in balanced. The B1 has only RCA, so no comparison, but what a sweet sound. 

The OP is talking about running the XL output from the pre into the RCA input of the amp.  That will produce sound.  It may not be optimal.  

OP should use the RCA outputs on the preamp if it has them.  Or use a Henry Engineering Matchbox or a Tascam adapter. 


Yes the pre has them. So it would be rcas from the amp, which is all it has, to the rcas on the pre, which has both rcas and balanced.


I could also use the neutrix adapters which avanti above suggested. 'At the amp I use a neutrik female XLR to male RCA cable adapter.'

Oh OK. Yes, just use the RCA (aka "single-ended") connection from the pre-out to the amp in. Don’t use the XLR outputs on the preamp until you have an amp with XLR inputs. You won’t get optimal sound by just using the jack adapters - or at least that is a possible risk.


BTW: I like the XLR adapters because they always connect ground first, so they can be swapped live.  I built a patch bay to switch between preamps and amps with neutrik jacks. Better than a HT bypass! 



+1 Don’t add an adapter. If the amp is balanced it a;ready has one and is likely to be of higher quality. The manufacturer has a vested interest in making both inputs sound good.