JCarr mentioned Mori san as ''neglected innovator'' who got, despite
of this ''neglect'' much attention from our Aussie who collect not only
cartridges of both kinds but also Patek Philip watches. He wrote an
''poem'' about XL 88D (D= diamond). What is less known is Raul's
''poem'' about XL-44 l. So, it seems, Mori made ''rich man'' but also
''poor man'' cartridges. The innovation involved was ''8 form'' coil
former and ''potting''. That is using some damping ''stuff'' inside
the cart body to ''kill the resonaces''.. My friend and retiper Axel
Schurholz described the ''stuff'' as ''glue'', Later on I found similar
method of damping by Magic Diamond made by Reto Andreoli .
The whole XL Sony series used the same generator but different
cantilevers and styli. The cheapest kind by XL 44. So I posted my
sample ( $350) to Axel and asked his best cantilever/stylus combo.
Aka boron cantilever and ''nude shibata''. Well this ''poor man cart''
can compete with all my ''exotic kinds''. I also need to mention ''lyrical
description'' by Raul about ''old and forgotten ADC 26/27''. I bought
two for 300 euro. In my last sentence in my previous contribution
I stated ''there are plenty excellent cartridges for modest prices''.
Those are two examples.