When to Amp it Up?

Just wondering what events led others on the forum to upgrade amps?

What was lacking in your set up, or did something new come out to peak your interest? Any and all stories are welcomed, and recommendation always!

My situation is I love my system, but I feel my amplification might be my weakest link. However I’m struggling to find what exactly I’d be looking for in upgrading? I feel my Bi-amped set up really sounds good, but am looking at more up market amps (Parasound JC5 vs McIntosh MC830 mono blocks). Is more power always better, and should your amp ever cost more then your speakers?

Current Amplification

Dual Cambridge Audio Azur 851w set to Bi-amped dual mono (200w/8o, 350w/4o)


JBL L-100 Classic 75th Anniversary (4o)


More power better? If the first watt isn't any good why would you want 200 more of them?

Bi-amp? If the first amp isn't good enough don't add, replace.

Pique peak, then than, watt's the difference?

You seem to have a history of investing in complicated setups of highly marketed brands, and then not being thrilled with the resulting sound quality. Guessing that you've taken advice from lots of youtube and online reading and haven't had a chance to audition much at good dealers. If I'm totally in left field, I apologize.

If that's the case, maybe find a good local dealer or two if possible and find what really floats your boat and then move in that direction. 

The Innous is very nice; that should keep you happy for many years, especially with the recent software update. Cheers,


If you want to upgrade look at Pass 350.8 a wonderful sounding amp from a great company.