Help with McIntosh Repair Facility

My MC452 is having an issue with the right channel that's a little weaker than the left.  Not by much but definitely noticeable.  Have been trying to diagnose the issue and everything so far points to the amp. I'm using XLR and have changed ICs , preamp tubes, cleaned amp inputs, etc.. but the head scratcher is if I switch the right and left IC inputs on the amp the sound or output is balanced. The meters are in alignment as they should be. The only issue is of course the right and left channels are opposite now.   I've spoken with an authorized repair center and bench testing is $350 and worse case scenario the board needs replacing plus labor can hit $2500 which in my opinion is ridiculous.  Has anyone experienced this issue or have any ideas or know of a reputable or more cost effective repair facility? I'm in Lexington KY.  Thanks in advance.  

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I agree with all the above comments regarding the Westchester OH quote; totally out-of-line.  I also agree that your first call should be to Ryan Kilpatrick at Audio Classics in Vestal.  They are known world-wide for their excellence with all things McIntosh, and Ryan has helped me a number of times over the years with some very odd problems.  Check them out:

Good luck and let us know how it all ends up working out.

Joyous and safe holidays to you!

@Barts  yes I can switch the cables many times and the problem persists. I changed amps and all is well.  So this tells me it's the amp but I'm just totally befuddled what the issue is.

Effischer thank you and Happy Holidays to you and your family.  I will definitely call Audio Classics Monday.  As far as the shop in Ohio he immediately pissed me off but who likes worse case scenario news and he might have my amp for quite some time. Plus a $350 bench fee is utterly ridiculous. Any repair that is half the cost of the amp is ridiculous also.  

Talk with McIntosh, they have been great to me. I’m sure they will help. Also audio classics if that’s not possible, they might be able to help also. Ryan is my connection. 

+1 for Audio Classics.  They repaired my C220 preamp earlier this year.  Very reasonable.  Be aware that the McIntosh parts department are kind of jerks.  They had a part that was needed in stock, but wouldn't send it to Audio Classics.  At one point, Audio Classics sent a guy over to pick it up, and they refused to give it to him.  It was a $10 part.  I ordered it directly from McIntosh, and had it in about a week.  I sent it to Audio Classics and they repaired it promptly and shipped it back.  Nothing but great service from Audio Classics.  Ask for Ryan.