Modifying PS Audio DirectStream DAC

I just finished my first mod. It was for my PS Audio DirectStream DAC:

  1. Swapped in two Edcor XS4400 transformers.
  2. Switched the power supply for the analogue board to a Farad Super 3
  3. Added 3M AB6005S EMI/RF shielding to the inside of the case and on the larger chips

It sounds amazing now. Its like having a new piece of equipment. I was A/Bing it with my turntable and got confused as to which was playing! All the changes were pretty straight forward. They are described in detail on the PS Audio website. There are lots of pictures to help.


My biggest improvement with the PSA DirectStream was replacing the Bridge II with an sotm sms 200 Ultra Neo with a Crystal Cable Diamond USB cable...

The Bridge II is quite noisy as the designer Ted Smith indicated...

@arch2 - I left the old cord in and taped it to the bottom of the case.


@adriaan - At some point I'll replace the Bridge II but I'm not sure when. The Ultra Neo looks like a good choice.

I have powered the sotm 200 sms ultra neo with an sbooster PSU and the Crystal Cable Diamond USB cable did wonders...

Yes, the Sotm SMS200 neo is great streamer, power mine with Uptone JS-2 and Double Helix DIY pc. usb Audioquest Diamond. Sotm specializes in networking, specialists usually best for a reason. Mine not ultra, didn't feel the need for more clocking.

Can't speak to Bridge vs Sotm, just my experience of Sotm vs server/streamer in one device.

I am heading in the same direction with my DS DAC.  Have you played with power cords on the external power supply vs the DAC itself?