Best "Bang for the Buck" you have owned?

Yes, the CJ ART, various Audio Research were all great...but I do remember lower priced items that gave much pleasure for their price.

In no order, The Large Advent,  DQ-10, Nakamichi SR receivers,  inexpensive Nordost cables, many tuners giving good vibes vis "FREE" music.  Also, in a different way, the Nakamichi TM radios and SoundSpace systems. 

There was a solid state ARC pre that was very

And I do  remember "free" listening at some friends homes/systems that were great values. I was exceedingly lucky to have a best friend that bought most of my gear when I was "moving on".  It gave me the chance to listen to what I had had compared to what I currently least once what I had sold to him was better than what my replacement gear was...........the old "live and learn". 


Well I have a secondary system that I set up on the back deck for open air listening. I set it up yesterday as it was 70+ degrees in southern Illinois. I am always impressed with the experience, tuneful, dynamic, great sound stage and imaging. I view it a great system for the $$$. 

B&W 685 speakers, bought used on AG, $300 shipped to my door.

Yamaha A-S701 integrated, bought used from a friend I made through AG. $250 shipped.

Pure Music playback program on a Apple Mackbook pro playing CD ripped AFFA files. $129.

M2Tech USB/SPDIF converter, bought used $90. (701 lacks USB input)


excellent post mike!  a great reminder that one doesn't need high dollar systems to deliver a tremendous amount of listening pleasure

hope you are having a happy and healthy holidays


your post got me thinking again - best bang for buck... i would offer this thought:  maximum pleasure/relief delivered when needed might be this:  😁

@jjss49 Thanks!  Much of the enjoyment has to do with the B&W 685s which to my ears sound wonderful under the open air environment. I believe the balance between bass and treble is improved. The 100wpc provided by the  701 delivers the volume required with volume control never reaching 12 o'clock. I live in the country so can play it pretty loud. I have not measured the dB level at the listening position however. 


Not sure about that adaptor. I put in a dedicated line run off a sub panel for the outside system. 


wasn't meaning that silly ground lift adapter was for you

was just answering the op's query about best bang for buck... the denominator is 88 cents so that lil guy must be the champ 😁

hope you are enjoying the holiday season...