Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other

I've recently upgraded most of my system, but I still have a Rega P8, with Linn Krystal cartridge, which I like, but I've heard that there may be better options.

I have Sound Lab electrostatic speakers, Ypsilon Hyperior amplifiers, an Ypsilon PST-100 Mk2 pre-amplifier, and am thinking about an Ypsilon phono stage to match with my system, and a turntable/cartridge.  I listen to almost entirely classical, acoustic music. 

Based on my very limited knowledge, and simple research, I've been looking at three brands, each of which is a different type of turntable: SME (suspension), AMG (mass), and Technics (direct drive).  
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of turntables, and of those in particular?



The AMG is also an integrated Turntable, tonearm, clamp design. The same as the SME, in terms of integrated design. Why SME instead of AMG? Have you heard both turntables?

I have heard both at some length, price to price the SME's are better sounding than the AMG's, more revolving, better built, and have better resale value. SME's main business is UK military supplies, they will never go broke and they will service almost any product they have made.

Why not mix both?, SME TT and the Kuzma tonearm.

Contrary to earlier statements by @mijostyn I have seen the Kuzma 4Point11 fitted to SME/20 & 30 TT's. There are a couple of examples on the Kuzma website.

It is a straight bolt on with the SME adapter provided by Kuzma.

@jperry - my bad- I was mot aware AMG made arms.

Also, havent heard much about them. Sounds like @dover has though.


Thanks for your comments. I have heard the AMG many times and owned a SME 10 for a while. Nice to hear comments from someone who has heard both.

@dover , It will fit but that does not mean it will work well. You would have to stiffen the suspension. I suppose you could fit more rubber bands. The 4 Point 9 will go right on without having to mess around. Some people think it is the best 4Point