I currently have three speaker models in my house. Harbeth SHL5+, Harbeth M30.1, and Fritz Carrera BE. The SHL5+ is in the main system, and I have been rotating the 30.1 and Carrera BE in my home office. Before getting the Carrera BEs, I thought nothing could touch my all-time favorite bookshelf speakers -- Harbeth M30.1s. I was wrong!
The Fritz Carrera BEs have proven to be better than 30.1 in my system at least. It is more balanced across the frequency range with better and extended upper frequency, more resolving, and far superior bass. It is also a better all rounder, i.e. does well with a wide range of genres. I have gone back and forth between the two speakers for the last two months, and each time I end up preferring the Carrera’s. And mind you, this is coming from a long time Harbeth loyalist :)
Having said that, it took at least 100 hours for the Carreras to break in. Prior to that, I preferred Harbeth’s midrange and vocals, but after 100 hours or so I can say that it is at least equal to 30.1 when it comes to midrange. Harbeth still has an edge when it comes to the reproduction of human voice. Also, the bass on Carreras is tighter and punchier, whereas the Harbeth’s bass is bigger but slightly less focused. Since I have spent a lot of money on audio equipment recently, I can’t really justify keeping both the 30.1 or Carrera BEs. The Harbeths have been listed for sale on this site. This should tell you something :)
I did a comparison a few weeks ago that you might find interesting ...