The OP wisely linked a N. quote about spirit and consumerism in audio...Then think about what you just wrote...SPIRIT/ CONSUMERISM/ AUDIO this was the matter of the thread not audio ONLY... Then you just lied or you are slow brain ....
All my posts were by me directly related to the essential experience of the relation of sound/music and acoustic and psycho-acoustic and to some seemingly unrelated aspects of reality and history which are nonetheless anyway related to the human experience of music and of spirit .... All fields of human experience are related...Consumerism for example is not born in America, his roots are deep into history...Mandeville which i spoke about is one of this root...
Calling my posts spam is insulting ....Your non constructive posts adding nothing in information content maybe more spam than my commentaries with CONTENT to the complex topic of Spirit/consumerism/audio...
i dont hope that you will understand...
You have never added here any original concept in audio, unlike me, and most of your post are negative one against someone with no conceptual content...You miss arguing against geoffkait? And you call my posts spam...
Ridiculous dont kill ....
Well the posts are off topic and nothing to do with audio or music but so what?