Recommendations Wanted

Hello All,

Would like everyone’s opinion on speaker replacement as I feel it is the weak link in my system. Currently I am running a McIntosh 240 amplifier, Fisher CX-2 preamplifier, and a Linn Sondek turntable. Speakers are B&W 703 S1 and 90 db efficient from about 2009.

Sometimes the system will create that magic and disappear in the room, but mostly not. I listen at  7 feet away in a 16x22x10 room. My choice of music is jazz lp’s and some lighter rock lp’s. I occasionally like to listen at higher volumes so somewhat efficient speakers may be best. This especially since I only have 40wpc of tube power. The budget is 5k new or used.




Carlsbad makes a couple good points. One, Tekton are so transparent a huge amount of whether you wind up happy or not hangs on the rest of your system. They will let you hear it, quite possibly for the first time ever. On this one looking at the rest of your system I think you are on solid ground. 

The other point is, if you can afford it you will get even more moving up to Encore. Or for that matter Ulfberht. But your budget is $5k which makes Moab #1 with a bullet, nothing else even close.

verdantaudio, I guess you didn't read the post above yours?

40 tube watts is plenty, I'm using the 20W Raven Blackhawk now and even that is more than adequate to reach quite high levels. Measured 102dB at my sweet spot 9 feet away in my 17x24x9 room.

Question for the OP ? Has the 240 been refurbished and or modified ? i run 87 db speakers with a heavily modified 240. Most 240 make 52-60 wpc before leaving the factory THD spec behind. Mike Samra does a great McShane style mod of the 240 if you are interested, A slug of Russian caps, much better power supply bits…IF you are running the tube cage, lose that.and try some HRS Nimbus couplers under the amp and your preamp. Re higher efficiency speakers, you have many many choices beyond Tekton, Go listen to a few before making the leap.
