CD Transport or media server/streamer

Hi All,

I have an older system that I purchased about 17-18 years ago. My system consists of a Krell KPS 20i (integrated transport & processor), Krell KRC-3 preamp, Krell FPB 300 amplifier, and Wilson Watt Puppy 5.1 speakers with all drivers upgraded except for the mid. I still really like the sound of this system.

Recently the cd player (KPS 20i) has started skipping on tracks rather badly at times. If I keep it on for a couple of hours or more before I use it the skipping seems to go away on most CDs. From what I have read I’m thinking this may be the laser or tracking in the transport failing.


Can I connect an external transport only to the KPS 20i and not change the sound too much?

How about a music streamer or server, can these be connected to the KPS 20i?

I would like to keep the budget for any new gear at $1000 or under. All suggestions, recommendations, information is highly appreciated.


Also, whether better via USB or AES / Other digital input is dependent on the DAC / streamer combo.

I have been using a node 2 and mostly playing files off a ss hard drive through the node. Sounded better to me than streaming those same songs. This is either going into a Burson dac or a Micromega M100 so not using the not so good dac in the node. Got out my old Nad CD player to use as a transport it is sounds better than streamed or ss drive through the node. Then I just picked up a Cambridge transport and ohh man does it sound better than all of them by some margin. So long story short. Done chasing streaming. I have more fun spinning cds, it sounds better and I have physical media to collect. Ohh and when the internet takes a crap I still have tunes. Maybe if I spent ultra bucks on streaming and treating the internet and all that it would be as good. Right now I’m saying screw it, cds and transport for me.