Ceiling fan in listening room?

Hi all,

Not sure if Tech Talk is the best forum to post this question, but would appreciate any comments / recommendations from our group. My listening room is in our below ground level  basement. Routing air conditioning to the space is not practical, and I am looking for alternatives to provide ventilation. Does anyone have any recommendations on or experience with use of a ceiling fan in a listening room?  Naturally I am concerned with the interaction of the fan's air circulation and the speaker output. Thanks in advance for any  input!

Not really wind "noise" as such. Ever talk through the back of a fan when you were a kid? The voice is very distorted by the modulation of the air by the fan blades. Any ancillary movement of the air can cause interference with the music waveforms.

Even if the tail is small and the happiness velocity minimal, the dander may present other issues outside the scope of this thread.

So when my dog is wagging his tail does it effect the music waveform?