Changing Turntable to Balanced Output

So I’ve read that a balanced output (XLR) is sonically superior to unbalanced RCA cables.Is it possible to just add adapters to do this? Is it better to rewire the Tonearm? I own an Acoustic Signature Triple X which has a hard wired tonearm cable so this not an easy solution. Just wondering if anyone has done this and if it’s worth it?


Yes, you have read it. There is a lot more to it than what you have read. Whether it is worth it or not only you will know after having gone to the trouble to find out. For me, it is so far down the list of things I would do, wait a minute let me check. Nope, scratch that. Doesn't even make the list.

Phono cartridge output is inherently balanced but one side is often grounded in practice.  However, you would need a phono stage with a balanced input to take advantage of a balanced output from a cartridge.  (I did that many years ago when I played LPs.)