Elrog 300b vs we300b

I am looking for an upgrade to my elekit tu8600s. Currently have cossor black plates. I use the amp for my hd800s and zmf atticus. I am looking for more transparency, dynamics and a bigger stage. I am interested in a richer tone too so not sure which direction to go. Any thoughts?


I have been playing around with a whole range of driver tubes on my WAvac EC300B. There are audible differences that are of the same order of magnitude as output tubes. Specifically Jan Philips 7581a: very resolving and fast, yet slightly harsh in the treble. Svetlana Winged-C 6L6GC: very harmonious, sweeter than Jan Philips 7581a, yet most depth of soundstage, Tungsol KT66 (actually really 6L6 GC with 900mV heater current): deepest bass, very powerful but slightly sluggish. These were the best of the lot; JJ, GE and RCA black plate are fuzzier and less dynamic. I have not yet tried the Tungsol 6L6GC reissue but am intrigued because of the strong KT66 performance. As mentioned mixing and matching driver and power tubes gives additional mileage. 


I’m pretty sure Scott is familiar with Arthur Loesch and I’m very curious to know his thoughts regarding driver tube attributes (Particularly the high current aspect). Given Scott’s expertise I suspect he has a strong opinion one way or the other.


I did hear differences in driver tubes with AA 845. I haven't heard a bit of difference in various 6 EM7 for Coincident 845, Israel said as much when I questioned him in regard to this. After AA experience, assumed my 300B would react well to high quality drivers, never tried with anything other than same nice NOS drivers I've  been using from beginning.


My same outcome with the 6EM7 driver tubes, no real differences heard. 

Very different from my 300b experiences.


I would say that any 300B tube made with Molybdenum would be far ahead of those mentioned here.  

As far as I know only Elrog makes them. I Have been through many tube amps (including 300B's) and use their 243's (211 with moly). And it's a dynamic leap, which reflects in price too.

See if you can get a chance to try a pair, or it is within your budget. I would think performance wise it would be a no-brainer.