Majority Of Your Listening Is Online Streaming Service, Do You Buy CD's Or Vinyl Any More?

Do you care to own hard copies of your recordings any more?


Also, I find Qobuz has 99% of my albums… and many hundreds of thousands more (well, seventy million tunes). So, if I read a review of a new album in Stereophile.. I’ll start listening to it while I read the review. Soon after you get your feet on the ground with streaming as good or better than CD quality you realize how absurdly restrictive owning physical disks is. You can start exploring bands like the ones you know of, which lead to discovery of music you never heard of… which leads to more discovery. Etc.

+1  @ghdprentice 

Absolutely. Streaming lets me find new music. I buy vinyl and CDs based on what I find on Qobuz, Tidal and Apple music. 

I stream. I have CD's. I have LP's. I have no 8-tracks. It's all good. Also agree with @femoore12 - that's a main reason I stream as well; I do like having physical artifacts. 

I go thru phases these days

  • I have a large collection of CDs about 70% has been RIP'd and placed my dedicated music server
  • I have about 120 SACDs all of these have been RIP'd to SACD.iso and then turned into DSF files for the music server
  • Fair amount of vinyl and most new purchases are vinyl these days. This can be a mixed bag depending on the release and where it was pressed.
  • No steaming of any kind for music - except the music server
  • Some but not many hi-res downloads.

I have also experimented with vinyl ripping with my Linn exact system. Works very well and I end up with 24/192 files that I store as WAVs. Storage is cheap so I do not care about compression formats.

I have to say I am generally very happy with my vinyl playback setup and it keeps me purchasing more titles. 

Recently have been curating my CD catalog with a goal to thin out titles I have only listened to a few times.