Architectural Digest finally shows audio gear!



Thanks for posting the article. It’s great to see equipment shown in architectural magazines. Most of the time the staging process for photography removes any electronic equipment. As you know, the majority of stereo components do not have a design language and will get removed. 

I made the mistake in a older discussion stating that I consider the how a component looks also to be important to me. That did not go over well with some people. 

Well … He’s really only sucking up to his forum idol !


Well at least I have one. I'd doubt a person of your caliber would understand the only person I worship ain't an IDOL!  BUT the bellyaching got me disappeared anyway. In spite of the facts.

I really don't like you tsushima1. You have been a JERK sense you appeared on AG. Swat SPLAT!. Friggen little bug!! Swat SPLAT...

Go away KID, you bother me!! DO you ever speak about anyone other than the people on AudiogoN. I've never noticed anything EXCEPT for joining in when you have some underhanded slither slop that comes out between the fangs and your mighty thin lips. Back talkin, sissy man. I hope your lips fall off. Both pairs!!

This is me stickin' my tongue out!!

Jay Z office still sucks.. No doubt about it.. How many billion? I like a barn!

Time to feed the chickens..

@ghasley Thanks for sharing and sorry to see all the attempts at dragging your thread into the gutter. 

In a similar vein, you might get a kick out of the inclusion of high end systems in recent television. Two examples of good shows where gear wasn't only in the background, but you could say the systems had "minor parts": 

Bosch on AmazonPrime

Sharp Objects on HBOMax

Allan's $112K Stereo From Sharp Objects





Its funny you post the photo from Bosch, a show we enjoyed very much. The first time the system showed up on screen my wife said hey look! Without any hesitation I said there was zero chance the Mac 240 could handle those Ohm speakers appropriately LOL. I will bet it sounds good though at low volumes.