Wilson Benesch-Great or just Okay?

On the verge of a buying decision.

Hoping someone with ownership experience

will educate me about the brand.


Much Appreciated!




Wilson Benesch speakers are stunning. I have heard a number of models multiple times, with a variety of amplification, and have a few friends that own them. They are the speaker I would choose if I upgrade from my ProAc D-40r.

Their cabinets have a very low noise level; a quality that has to be heard to be properly appreciated.

What model(s) are you considering?

A buddy of mine had a pair of WB stand-mount speakers (Sorry, I don't remember the model....)

They were reminiscent (at least to me) of Rogers LS3/5a with more bass authority. (Which makes sense). They definitely had the "British Bump" in their tuning. 

If you enjoy the BBC sound, I think you'll love them. I do remember him saying they were rather power-hungry for what they were.

Lovely speakers. Very easy to listen to.