Tube Buffers worth it?

I own a SS Mac setup (352 with C41) with B&W 803S. It's sounds fantastic. I also have Musical Fidelity XRayV3 I am using as transport with DACV3.

How many out there have experience with X10V3 buffer or any other Manufacturer (Space tech, etc.).

Is there any tube add on that is going to make a significant improvement?
In my system, yes, for the digital front end. Analog not so much (vinyl into separate minmailist SS preamp).

Viridian is correct with respect to impedence matching & quality / 'oomph' of source(s) driving your amps.

I run the MF X10v3 into Levinson monoblocks and find improvements with all of the following DAC front ends: Theta DS Pre GenII (passive pre may explain why the buffer helps); TacT 2.0 RCS; Acurus ACT-3 & Oppo 980 for HT.

In my system / room, the improvements are: Less hardness / glare, expecially strings & piano when played dynamically; less sibilance on female vocals; deeper soundstage / better imaging. Most important, though, is a better sense of cohesiveness, more natural, more thereness without being in your face, more liquid, less fatiguing (not that it was so bad before - just better). I use it in conjunction with a Camelot 5.1 jitter reduction / reclocking device that has similar happy effects.

Like everything audio, it will depnd on the sum of all the parts, I suppose.

Hope that helps.

Thanks to everyone for the help! I'm going to try the Audio Horizons and take them up on the money back guarantee.

Will report back.
Dmm53 -- if you get the Audio Horizons TB 5.0, do yourself a favor and upgrade the stock tubes. Victor of AH recommends vintage gold pinned Siemens E88CC. I have some on order. In the meantime, I have auditioned about 5 or 6 types ... including Amperex orange globe logo gold pinned 7308's, Amperex Bugle Boy, Siemen-Rohr 7308 steel pins, '72 JAN Sylvania 6922, and a couple of other current production types - Chinese and Yugoslavian. BTW, contrary to what folks say, some of the new higher end Chinese tubes aren't bad. For my system, and my musical tastes the gold pinned Amperex 7308's sound the best ... great tonality, sound stage, imaging ... very smooth and musical - top to bottom. It's hard to imagine that the Siemen's can beat these. Another suggestion: pick up some tube dampers from Herbies Audio. Seems to tighten things up a bit ... making the sound a little more coherent. Good luck and happy listening.