Before circuit city went belly up, they had 2.99-4.99 CDs.
had to go to the bank, went back, must have dumped 300$ plus that day.
great sale. Not longer after they were gone.
buying at used shoppes is rip off city, some basic lps , gord light foot, journey, Nazareth, hair of the dog, are priced at 15-20$, asked the guy, he said they are rare and out of print,…. Hahahahahah
out of print, huh? No shi+ :)
they are pricing themselves out of sales. A standard skynyrd second helping lp is 20$, I buy on internet or in another shop, or the cd for 3-8$.
Used shoppe is horrible!
I thumbed through ALL the lps, not one was under 10$, used and with scuffs, and jacket is VG at best.
If there’s something rare, the price is absurdly high. I write down, and hit discogs!