Recommended USB Cables.

At present I have the Acoustic BBQ USB Cable connected from my Silent Angel Rhein Z1 V2 streamer to the PS Audio DS DAC. Incredible cable at a very reasonable price. Very detailed, transparent and great sound at low volume levels. Which ones are considered the top USB cables?  Any experience comparing the Acoustic BBQ to other USB? I’m very aware that all cables are system dependent!!! 

I have been exploring this further and at its relatively modest retail price, I am a huge advocate of the Clarus Crimson USB.  I am quite surprised at the clarity and detail I am getting without a hint of coloration.  It is my preferred USB at this time.  



I have the Oyaide cable. While good,it gets very substantially bettered by the Intona Reference USB cable from Germany. Very much more leading and trailing edge, bigger and deeper soundstage and more flow.

Can’t get my head around spending $500+ for a USB cable, or at least not yet anyway.  I went for a LavriCable Ultimate Silver Dual USB that was $134 for a 1m cable.  I haven’t compared it to any other USB cables, so all I can say is my headphone rig sounds very neutral and detailed but still musical so seems like the USB cable is at least not doing much damage to the signal.  Just another option FWIW. 

Assuming one's system has sufficient resolution, you will hear differences in usb cables. I've tried Supra, Wireworld, Cardas, Audioquest Diamond is present cable, superior to others I've tried, don't feel the need to change.

Network Acoustics ENO USB cable Is incredible!! Cost around $900. Best value …..Acoustic BBQ!!!!