I will add something to Feynman because focusing on a problem or on a question could be damaging by itself in some case..
Focusing and AT THE SAME TIME learning how to not focusing, but giving the problem to a part of our mind and going on on some other related or not related questions and field is very important in philosophy...Anyway philosophy is by definition multidisciplinary... Poetic and even astrology or mathematics can be philosophical tools and concern or any other fields ...
For sure if like Andrew Wyles you want to solve a mathematical problem, you must focus on it only non stop for 7 years to do so... Or if you must solve some a precise physic problem like Feyman related to an Apollo rocket mistake engineering piece, you must focus non stop for some days..
But philosophy is not mathematics nor engineering... Problems are not enigma to be solved but deep mysteries to be cautiously and indirectly approached with reverence and deep devotion... Problems here cannot be "solved" they can only be described in a new perspective for a new consciousness...
Goethe method in his natural science morphological observation deeply pointed to the fact that solutions and problems are interrelated perceived individual and at the same time universal "symbolic forms" like a particular undulated line drawn on a sheet of paper will be very differently perceived and described , by a monk, a painter, a shaman, a musician, a geometer, a mariner thinking about waves, or an alchemist, or by a physicist specialized in Fourier analysis, or by a meteorologist describing the sky....
There is no form without meaning and there is no meaning without form.... The formless is itself a "form"....And any form speak from the formless...
Then going back to your observation : most people are unable to focus consciously, and much more unable to learn how to not focus consciously and mastering the art of attention...
Attention imply 2 levels polarity : the foci, and the periphereal....
If you can accept the Feynman theory of learning ie focus, understanding, being able to recall and then to explain to others, then you can see where the problem might lie....
The human mind is a great thing, no doubt. Unfortunately it doesn’t come with any kind of user manual.