Wilson Benesch-Great or just Okay?

On the verge of a buying decision.

Hoping someone with ownership experience

will educate me about the brand.


Much Appreciated!




The ones that sound great. The complete list is here: . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

haahaaa Best post ever,

Folks think just bc Wilson’s name is splattered all over Stereophiles front page news all the time past 20 years,, = they MUST be great speakers.

WEll I got other news. Look the only thing Wilson’s have that my Seas Thor’s ~~did not have~~~ are some added big 10 inch woofers. Other than that, Wilson’s are no better than my old now RESTINPEACE Thor speakers. Tweet+ dual midwoofers = Thor Wilson tweet/dual Midwoofers/dual 10 inch woofers. woofers, = Wilson

Thors $2k. vs

Wilsons, $10k -$20K-$100k - 500K -900K.

Do the math.

If you want to pay $$$$$$$ for some paper or carbon 10 inch woofers, go right ahead, 

The only thing left of my Thors are the 2 W18’s xovers,, which are detined for the trash can, cost me $300+ each one. Bet Wilson uses whatever caps. Of course Stereophile aint gonna talk about the caps.

Post removed 



I wouldn’t want anyone to get the idea that you don’t know what you are talking about, again. 

Wilson Audio is not the same company as Wilson-Benesch. Wilson is American made, WB is UK manufactured. Both build exceptional speakers with inert cabinets and curated drivers. Neither are terribly tube friendly.

I wouldn’t want anyone to get the idea that you don’t know what you are talking about, again. 


No one would possibly ever think that…😆

millercarbon’s avatar


12,300 posts

The ones that sound great. The complete list is here:



Nice non answer. Your safest bet was to say nothing, but you never fail to disappoint when the expectation is absurdity.