Replicant 100 stylus

My ''general statement'' that styli are produced by either Ogura or Namiki

may need correction.

Some friends of my ''discovered'' that Replicant (Ortofon), Decca and

''Expert stylus'' are the same. As is/was the case with Gyger and

Van den Hul. Van den Hul designed Gyeger I, II and S (?) but

Gyger produced them. This was obviously kept secret for commercial


My assertion is that Expert stylus (Paratrace) provide them to the

other mentioned.

Is anybody capable to check this information?



pinda, your,say, domain of search is much wider than our. We want to

know if Replicant=Paratrace =Decca as well who produces this styli. 

Also if this stylus is available to other producers and or retippers?

Our assumption or rather my assumption is that those are the same.

If they are the same what sense has comparison between them?

You should start your own thread .

Raul, our forum is not the place to express your frustration and

hate against other members. You should write in other media which

are more suitable for your character. 

raul, speaking about ''level of knowledge''. Your level of English is the

same as 20 years ago. Still not capable to produce one single 

decent English sentence and you dare  to speak about ''level of


Well I hope there are still a few Gyger S styli about as I’ve just had one fitted in place of a worn out Ogura PA.


Framer, in a recent review seemed to think the Replicant stylus was Swiss sourced.


I only have experience of the Replicant in it’s cheapest application, the SPU Royal N and if Ortofon are selecting their styli these will be the lowest grade. Still I preferred this cartridge to the PA equipped Proteus it replaced in my system and this is my reason to go for a Gyger for the rebuilt Proteus. Resale value isn’t a factor so I can indulge my curiosity.


yeti, We can't know what each retipper has in his stock. My friend Axel

Shurholz had ''some Gyger II '' in stock but was not willing to do

''stylus only'' retip. This was according to him much more difficult

than gluing the whole cantilever stylus combo in the joint pipe.

The joint pipe is an aluminum pipe in which front side cantilever

is glued and its back side coils and tension wire are fastened.

So actually all cantilevers are  HYBRIDE. That is to say whatever

material of the ''front cantilever'' the ''cantilever behind'' is aluminum

pipe. As JCarr explained in my other thread : Sony XL 88 D (D= diamond)

had an extra long aluminum part  so the diamond could be as short

as possible .That is why diamonds are only for the ladies ; to expansive

for man (grin). 

Well because  neither Gyger ( I, II and S)  is available in general there

is no sense to speak about their availability. They are not available

to all producers nor to retipers.


''Dissection'' of an fake intellectual. Every academic knows which

subjects are compulsory at high school. High school is obligatory

for university education. Well one need to read only 3 sentences 

produced by Raul to be able to deduce that he can impossible 

have high school education because English is obligatory subject

in each. This imply English grammar.