I went with what my friend brought over to my house 20 yrs ago. I put 2-10" subs in between my mains. The Marchand crossover boards say 1985 on them. I sent into Phil(very nice person) a couple years ago and it was fine but he put some nicer opamps in since I sent it in. Charged me $150. I spent a whopping $400 for the setup originally, might have been a little extra for the crossover. I am lucky, people do things without labor just parts. Otherwise to buy all this new would now be a couple thousand. I know, some say it is just midfi crap. They still sit in the same place. I was really proud of myself. I could shake the entire house. Then...I got it right. Now the bass is not boomy and loud upstairs, yet is deep and rich at my listening position. Walking around the room and it doesn’t sound peak or null anywhere I can hear. Somehow, I can keep most of the bass in the room now. My wife sure isn’t complaining. Bear in mind these are only "good" to 30 Hz. There is some 20Hz output but that is not what the port is tuned to. I’m fine with that because as i said buying bigger and newer will cost quite a bit.
I have 15" woofers in my mains. I have listened to them without subs. They go down to about 35 Hz. The sound is good, but the subs just fill in a little more.
I could use a couple corner bass traps but I am not far off without them. My friend passed away, no local audio groups, no dealers, so it has just been blind luck and lots of reading.
I have debated about restoring this Yamaha P2700. It just cruises with the subs. It is 30 yrs old now but haven’t located someone who could do this for a reasonable price. So far, I have been able to put my money into everything else.