30 to 50 watts seems to be all I desire

Weird, but in my small listening room (12x16) no matter the speakers used, to a T they all can be driven quite superbly with amps in the 30 to 50 watt range.  This includes the Maggie 1.7.

I had a few 200 watt amps in rotation but took them out for now because I never got past about 8:00 or at most 9:00 on the preamp, and oftentimes it was around the 7:30 mark.

So I personally don’t buy into the lower efficiency speakers needing gobs of power to sound good.  Caveat:  Listening to mainly Jazz at volumes less than 85db, normally.

Cheers, all.



I have owned massive amps in the past. My reason for owning them wasn’t to do with the volume control, it had to do with the current they could produce allowing for for fast full rises in transients. This would support greater slam as well.


Certainly 30 to 50 watts is usually plenty to power most speakers, especially in a small room.

I’ve driven Maggies with an Onkyo 45 watt amp. Sounded wonderful. I also fried a HK stereo receiver that claimed 100 watts.