Coincident Statement Line Stage vs Jadis JP80MC vs EAR 868PL vs Aesthetic Janus

I had another thread asking about different preamps. I then bought Coincident Statement Line Stage and ModWright LS100. Both of them are very good in its own right. The CSLS is very transparent and engaging. The Modwright has very good tone. After debating for a long time, I finally sold the Modwright. But that tone can’t leave my head. While the CSLS sounds excellent in my system right now, I always wonder if there is one preamp in the world that has quality of both CSLS and Modwright LS100, and that would be prefect.

After I sold the Modwright, I upgraded to better cables and power cords. I also upgraded to the Psvane WE101D, but unfortunately, one of the tube turns white in less than a month, and I am in the process of getting warranty replacement. I also upgraded to APL DAC. I feel I maximized what I can do trying to get the tone, but it is still not quite there yet, but very close to what I want. Therefore, I am trying to see what other options I have. Another challenge is that I listen to vinyl 20% of the time, and I feel my current MC phono preamp doesn’t match with the CSLS. So, instead of trying another phono preamp, I am wondering if I will get better synergy to find a preamp that also have a good MC phono built in. But I am opened to suggestion that doesn’t have phono.

I am interested in the following:

1) EAR Yoshino 868PL

2) Aesthetix Janus

3) Jadis JP80MC

Does any of these has the same level of transparency and as engaging as the CSLS, and on top of that, have the tonal density of Modwright Ls100?


thanks in advance.




Charles and I both totally agree on CSLS, it is keeper and will never be the cause of some unwanted coloration. Just real honest sound quality, a reference component, if you need spice and flavor, add elsewhere.



@sns @charles1dad 

In my digital rig, while CSLS is not 100% perfect, but very close to.  I wish to have a bit more tonal density or weight in the music.  I guess I can try further on cables and tubes, or even match with other power amps.  Power amps initially is not in the option list because I already have two - Coincident 211 and Audio Note Kit interstage 300B.  Jumping to a different preamp seems to be a more risky move.  I almost feels that airy / open / transparent versus warm / tonal density are at two ends of spectrum; one increases than the other decreases.

As you suggest, maybe I should focus on changing the vinyl rig.  I feel the Allnic 1202 and CSLS is in the same category that is open / airy / transparent.  That’s why it actually sound pretty good after I added a Schiit EQ to add more low frequencies, it doesn’t take away the openness and transparency.  I didn’t make the move to the Modwright PH9 due to a similar concern that, I am afraid it will lose the openness and transparency with the trade off of added bass and warmth.  But it seems it is still a less risky move than changing the preamp.

Changing cartridge is a good suggestion, maybe I should look into that.  Yes, the comments on the Denon H5LC is mixed.  It is sold only in Japan, so not too many people know.  I compared it with other MM and MC cart in the $1000 range at my friends place and the H5LC sounds the best.  To upgrade, I think I need to get something in the $2000+ range. 


In my digital rig, while CSLS is not 100% perfect, but very close to. I wish to have a bit more tonal density or weight in the music.

I’d give consideration to trying the Lanlai 101D as @sns recommended due to their fuller tone/body compared to the Psvane W.E Replica. If that doesn’t provide what you seek then you may just prefer a 6SN7 line stage. The 101D is what it is, pure, organic and honest presentation. The 6SN7 could be relatively speaking more of a bigger tone tube. I’ve read very positive comments about the Don Sachs line stage.

I absolutely love the very natural engaging character of the 101D and its minimal editorializing. The Psvane W.E Replica is an excellent fit for my audio system.  But that’s me and you have choose what’s right for your specific preference. 


@gte357s  What output tubes using in 211 and 300b. I was using Shuguang Black Treasure in my 300b amps until recent change to Psvane Acme, much more color with the Acme, Shuguangs bleached out in comparison. My 845 has also benefited with better output tubes.


Based on your comments as to airy, open vs warm, bass heavy I'd not change out major components at this point. Sounds like your close to your goal, small changes will likely get you where you want to be.


Change in output tubes,  and/or cartridge may be all you need. Change in power cords may help as well. Clean AC important as well. When you get to the level of equipment and resolving powers your at, little things can mean a lot. Looks to me like you have all the fundamentals in place, just need to tweak a bit.




This is exactly what I think. I understand each tube has a different characteristic. So, I bought the Modwright LS100 which use the 6SN7. Eventually, I choose the slightly more open sound of CSLS over the excellent tone of the Modwright. I know I cannot judge the sound of a tube by just one amp, but I feel 6SN7 tube is lacking the fineness and transparency in 101D. So, if I am going to try another preamp, I would like to try one with a different tube.

Since I am quite satisfied with the current setup, I am not going to make decision light heartedly. Thanks for all the feedback.