432 EVO

Thought I would start this thread to gauge interest in this network streamer. I have been following it for a little while now. Just wondered if anyone else had this on their radar. Any comments from current owners would be great.


“I have yet to meet someone who has one.”


Sometimes the folks promoting the product can be a detriment, it sure seems the case for 432 EVO :-)


































thanks thyname


We have two pieces out for review so far bothreviewers are quite impressed with the sound of the servers

“Naah… Lalin is fine”

You should ask him to send you a 432 EVO for audition. Your feedback would carry a lot of weight versus a dealer’s tireless shilling!

@lalitk : cannot say it never crossed my mind to ask. But really I don’t want to do that before I am sure this is something I needed for my system. It’s only fair