Chi-Fi in the Time of Self-Righteous Indignation.

I have to say the timing of the folks over at eacoustics in impeccable.

So Kevin Deal at Upscale release his Video on Raven Audio giving us something to chew on in this forum and W. Jennings gives us this.



Because the CCP government that oversees and control the economy operates concentration and forced labor camps for its Uighur minority, makes disappear 1000’s of Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstrators, outlaws the freedom of religion, press and assembly, etc, etc.......It’s actually remarkable how Nonoise could attempt to somehow contort well reported truths and make it about the " right wing are made up of con men, shysters, shillers and grifters" .....sheesh......uncanny how his contributions are always so politically and predictably one-sided (yeah, no con men whatsoever on the to the question, people also refused to buy German (what they might have called Kraut) products in the 30’s and 40’s because they were aware that they were also supporting the German government by doing so. I try not to use lazy terms like "Chi-Fi" but I certainly won’t be losing sleep over it if someone does. For me, I draw the line at the CCP oversight of slave labor camps, and see nothing "Self-Righteous" about others who also note this fundamental human rights distinction when buying or describing products. .

Quality is: "The lowest acceptable quality". Do not discount the Chinese they are finding the sweet spot of acceptable quality. It will only be a short time before Chinese hi-fi dominates the market.

@nonoise  By the way, what happened to the other threads on this subject? Were they deleted for convenience sake or did someone take umbrage? 

I'm just speculating and I could be wildly wrong, but perhaps it was because certain folk here couldn't help themselves making unwarranted and provocative comments designed to incite partisan squabbles?

@russ69 Do not discount the Chinese they are finding the sweet spot of acceptable quality. It will only be a short time before Chinese hi-fi dominates the market.

I agree with you. A few short years ago I probably may not have. As I write this I am awaiting delivery of a Topping DAC. It was a toss-up between that and a Gustard.

Both brands (to the best of my understanding) are pretty much of Chinese design and build.  They go way above what may be politely described as "acceptable" quality on many levels that are important to me.

Hey mikey, what are you smoking? 

You got all that from what I said? Sounds more like you're reaching.
Go back and reread what I said in response to what someone else keeps harping about and maybe it will start to make some sense. But then, knowing you, maybe not.

All the best,