upgrade rec from meridian 508.24

happy 2022 everyone - looking for a rec to get a cd player for music no other formats red book only to replace my meridian 508.24 which finally died. i am completely satified with that sound through my system including cj premier 16mk2 premier 140 kef 104/2s lol (refurbished a few times) cardas golden all around along with vpi scoutmaster Jw11 arm kimber cable w shelter 90x via cj premier 15. old but decent sounding stuff to my ears. love vinyl of course but tryng to reboot that cd magic experienced with my 508.24. considering used moon 360d possibly meridian 596 or similiar. value soundstage, pacing, piano, strings, voice and violins to get the magical 3d effect. Any suggestions looking used with a max budget of $1500. kind regards. lew


I love the Meridian cd player sound and actually have 2 of the 508/24 that aren't working.  I have a 508/20 that sounds even better, to me, than the 24.  Can't explain that one.  I believe you will be hard pressed to find a cd player that does as good or better for the money, just my opinion.  Especially under $1,500. 

I need to reach out to these guys and see about getting mine repaired, if possible.  Don't know if you have already tried?? If you have, I'm curious what feedback you got. 


You've got my attention since mine (508.20 factory upgraded to 508.24) has been acting up as of late. I bought a new DAC and only use mine as a transport.  Sometimes the buttons don't work, the sled comes out only halfway, and intermittent inability to read discs.  It has not died yet but is moribund.  I loved it's sound and build quality but one of these days it will crap out.  I am waiting to hear back from the Repair Shop.  My guess is that it is not worth fixing.

I owned a 508.24 years ago. Nice player. I've also owned lots of other similarly priced players. For the last 3 years I've been using a Rega Saturn-R and I've had no interest in replacing/upgrading it. It is a fantastic CD player. It is actually a CD Transport and seperate DAC built into a standard CD player sized enclosure. It is also top-loading, so it has a simplified mechanical system. If you even have any other digital sources, you can connect them to/through the DAC in the Saturn-R. I have an inexpensive Raspberry Pi based music server connected via USB to my Rega Saturn-R and the Rega's DAC does a really good job. I also have a BlueTooth receiver connected via toslink optical digital cable to the Rega and it also works/sounds great. You may not need the DAC functionality, but it's nice to be there, just in case and it does not detract, in any way, from the operation/functionality of the Saturn-R as just a stand-alone CD player.

I purchased mine used for $1500 three years ago. They are still a current production player for Rega ($2999 MSRP) and they still sell for about $1500 used (+/- $200).

The new Rega Planet supposedly a similar house sound to the Saturn-R, with just a little less sonic goodness at a much lower price.

Thanks for the comments.

Hoosier: haven't reached out recently but I think I will now and update here on results.

jason and reubert: thanks I'll check out reviews