Are you mass less

It took me a while to really warm up to the mass less ends "eti,aeco,kle"...but i do think that they are for me the way to go...I do have some furutech,dh labs and do like the sound of good copper ends...i mean for years it was kind of hard to think that these gimicky ends could sound so good...Its been some time with them and really liking what im hearing.


@digsmithd  - Are these RCA interconnect ends or speaker cable termination? Not familiar with them, other than KLE banana plugs.

BTW, I use low mass BFA style banana plugs whenever possible. They are fantastic. However, I used much less expensive versions than what KLE sells.

Eti,aeco rca for my interconnects...its got me wondering if knock offs will be as good or close to the big boys...a walk through ebay and theres no shortage of them.

I have no idea if cheaper interconnect ends will be "as good". However, I started using low-mass BFA style bananas after I bought and used a pair of Nordost speaker cables with their Z-Plug version of the BFA style low-mass banana plugs. I think the most important factors for the BFA style banana plugs would be material type and connection type. I've typically soldered mine onto the speaker cables. However, there are also screw on (but they have more mass) and some have crimp tabs on them. I've used the crimp-on type, but I've always soldered them and just clipped off the crimp tab. Not confident in my crimping technique.

I've been very satisfied with soldered-on low-mass BFA style banana plugs.

Low mass everything in cable design are the main ingredient in Darwin Cables. From the connectors to the actual wire itself, it's all minimalist in design and execution, which is why I love them.

All the best,

I use a 47 Labs OTA cable kit.

The only metal mass in the female RCA is the 26 gauge solid core copper wire used for for the interconnect itself.

I suspect that the non-metal RCA is made of Teflon, but not certain.

