Just a word to say that China like Japan copy-cat Occidental technology to leapfrog their way toward contemporary tech level in the last century...
But remember that BEFORE the 16Th century ( the kick modern start of technology in europe will be the the 12th nominalism revolution), China invented and created BEFORE "barbarians" europeans almost all basic technology...The list is so huge it is imposible to list it out of a book...
Thanks to the spirit of the greek engineers and mathematicians and philosophers, transmitted to the barbarians inhabiting the declining roman empire in large part by Islamic scholars to restart the rational greek revolution after Roman empire erasing power...
Nominalism+Plato and Aristotle rediscovery= new technology and new science, undreamed of by the ancient chineese who always lived more in a balanced participation with nature than the 17 century London who quit nature for global slavery and mechanical and coal and steam engine power...
The actual chineese direction come not from the chineese people but from the CCP...
The actual occidental course of events comes not from democracy but is caused by the transhumanist ideology and a new kind of financial criminal capitalism...Any countries democratic stance is a theater move...The actual crisis reveal the ideology behind the puppets...
This not so much complotism facts than a TRANCE LIKE MASS HYPNOSIS EXPERIMENT by those who are in the more deepest sleepwallking trance ever because they really think that what they do is for the better for all mankind...This is not complots this is mass hypnosis basic science...The origin is in part in the Bernard Mandeville forgotten economico-sociologico-psychological works on mass controls because Mandeville is the first before Darwin around 1700 to study the behavior of men like a workable animals...
The goal of my post is to reveal the hidden simplistic "political" ideological stances and rant of some here, of rightwing egg or leftwing egg Swiftian ridiculous debates oblivious of all history... ....
Great posts!
Like I said, 3 week the world would be on it’s knees, 6 weeks, gone..