Darwin Cables still in business ?

Do you know if Darwin Cables still in business?
I saw on their website that they have not updated the stocks available since 20.08.2020. So for 1 year ...
I sent several emails and no one answered me ...I want to buy more products from them, and I have no one to talk to.
It seems that no one takes care of this company anymore ...

...coincidentally about the same time we sobered up...

If you have a XXL or XXXL I'd order one... PM me.

There is always the music of professor Greg Graffin's band that one could test the cables with.

I received the cables 3 weeks ago. They sound great and I'm very happy with them.
Thanks Tony

I received the cables 3 weeks ago. They sound great and I'm very happy with them.
Thanks Tony

3 weeks may be like Carbon Dating?