That would be the "male" RCA (I'm old and married;-).
Are you mass less
It took me a while to really warm up to the mass less ends "eti,aeco,kle"...but i do think that they are for me the way to go...I do have some furutech,dh labs and do like the sound of good copper ends...i mean for years it was kind of hard to think that these gimicky ends could sound so good...Its been some time with them and really liking what im hearing.
Recent convert to low mass plugs/sockets. When restoring/rebuilding/upgrading my Lenco L70, the tonearm wires got me thinking about signal strength and amount of metal in its path. Parts Connexion sells the KLE series of connectors, and I decided to get some male/female connectors for the DIY cables/rca plates. Now, I didn’t do an a/b comparison - not so simple to do with a build :) About to build a SET integrated amp, and once it’s all dialed in, I’ll be installing the KLE connectors. |
I'm going low mass. First on my speaker cables, eventually on my RCA plugs. GR research sells Electra tube connectors which seem a bit pricey to be so imperfect. For the speaker cables male it is easy to find the BFA plugs mentioned above. For the Female, all I find is the KLEI harmony and they aren't long enough to attach through the wood panel of the back of a speaker. I'm thinking of making my own out of copper rod. I have a nice machine shop. I'll bore copper rod to the right diameter (about 4.25mm), turn the outside to the thickness I want, press it into a delrin rod and thread it to fit into the back of my speaker. A bit of work but I enjoy it OTOH, if someone knows of an off the shelf low mass female that will work I'll jump on it, my time isn't free. Jerry |
+1 for the KLE Innovations products. I’ve been using them for about 12 years and as each new product was released I was fortunate to be able to try them. The Harmony line of RCA plugs are among the finest available and the new Perfect Harmony should be equally as good The Harmony Bananas are the best speaker cable connectors I have tried, even performing better than the Furez connectors, which were my previous choice. They also produce Binding posts and RCA sockets which are proving to be equally as good. I did try the ETI RCA’s back when they were called the Copper Bullet & Silver Bullet, but I peferred the Copper Harmony better back then All of the KLEI products use pure copper as opposed to Terilium and Beririlium copper alloys and as such, and they are silver coated (to varying degrees) which improves on their conductivity, so they provide superior sound quality. Lately I have noticed other low mass products coming to market, but the KLEI products have proven to be so good right from their inception that I wonder just how much better other products will compare. I have also used the Harmony RCA plugs on digital cables and they work extremely well...
Here are some of my reviews For me - KLEI products are No.1
Regards - Steve