Newbie Needs Assistance

I am getting back into "Audio". around 15 years ago I had an AV receiver driving some Kirksaeter Silverline 120’s. I still have the speakers but the amp is long gone. My wife and prefer tubes. Budget is 5 - 6K for amps and eventual speakers. I have researched out and come down to the following:

Eventual Replacement Speaker for Kirksaeter:

Salk Song Series

Focal Aria 926 - I have heard the Chora 826 but not these

Amp Options:

AVA Transcendence 10 RB and a Vision Set 120

Tsakaridis Aeolos Tube Integrated

Input will be BlueSound Node and eventually possibly a turntable.

I have not heard either of the amps but they both fit in as far as price point (2,000 - 2500) leaving me roughly 4k for speakers. Has anyone heard these amps or speakers? I forgot to add music we listen too. Everything from Sinatra, Dean Martin to Led Zeppelin and alternative rack and a lot of blues including B.B and SRV.


Put a hard hold on the TT. Once you get the streaming dialed you may not want to mess with vinyl. You can use the BS Node as jump off spot for dialing in a high end streaming setup.  I use my TT less and less.


I have been running the Focal 926 for several years. I have rolled through Quad S-5s, Sonus Faber and Gallo and nothing has knocked them from the perch. Although if I could find another pair of the Quads I might swap out as it was a very good speaker and wish I had never sold them.

If I were you I might try to stretch a little for Raven Audio Nighthawk amp and CeLest speakers.  Excellent products made in the USA, and obviously they’re made to work optimally together.  Just my $0.02 FWIW, and best of luck. 

@soix You gotta be kidding, advising purchase of Raven amp, especially at this time! 

Thank you for the comments so far. My budget is pretty fixed unless I want to sleep on the couch. Any advice between the two amps. i know the Tsakaridis Aeolos might be a tough one to get opinions on.