Wilson Benesch-Great or just Okay?

On the verge of a buying decision.

Hoping someone with ownership experience

will educate me about the brand.


Much Appreciated!




@chorus congrats on acquiring the Fritz Carreras, great value for the money. 
Make sure you run them for 100 hours before listening critically. 
Initially, the tweeter might sound a little hot but that’s just because the other drivers have not caught up yet. After 100 hours, you will be treated to a very balanced, modern, crisp sound but without a hint of edginess or glare. Congratulations!!!

Another thing, these speakers are very transparent and faithful to the source further upstream. I could hear a difference with amps and cables very easily. 


Fed Ex says delivery will be tomorrow am.

Which model do/did you have?

Thanks for the tip on the burn in.

I have a burn-in CD to run and will 

await the magic with as much patience 

as I can muster.

I have the latest Fritz Carrera BE speakers in mahogany finish. I actually did a detailed comparison between the Carreras, Harbeth m30.1 and Proac d2r a few months ago. You can find my review in the members review section. 

let me say this speaker trumped my M30.1s, not something I was expecting going in. The midrange and bass will improve quite a bit after 100 hours or so.