Then and Now

I may be one of the few that still had their original audiophile rig from around 2010 and can compare it directly to the current system.  I hadn't really thought about having this possibility before tonight, so here's what I did:

Then System

- Integra 50.1 Receiver (direct mode) fed with an optical input

- Focal 836v floor standing speakers

Now System

- Maverick Audio TubeMagic D2 DAC with upgraded Sparkos Labs op amps and a 1950s Western Electric 396A tube

- Pathos Classic One MkIII Integrated Amplifier with 1960s Mullard Tubes

- Focal 836v floor standing speakers

 I didn't spend a lot of time listening to them, but I was reminded of hearing Jason Stoddard of Schiit Audio essentially saying that after a couple of beers it's hard to tell the difference between DACs.  There's clearly a difference between Then and Now, but Then doesn't sound all that bad.

Anyone else able to make a similar comparison?




There's clearly a difference between Then and Now, but Then doesn't sound all that bad.

Sometimes systems sound different from each other but that doesn't mean one is better than the other necessarily. Sometimes they are just different. 

Sometimes systems sound different from each other but that doesn't mean one is better than the other necessarily. Sometimes they are just different.

            Very true


I have a lot of the reference stuff from the 70, 80, 2000, 2010, 2020s.

The 20 year gap is actually raising kids 1980-2000. I keep everything unless it earns the bridge toss. Two have through the years out of 200 at least. Every now and then I sell stuff.

Simple, dig the hole deeper, and load my dead A$$ on top.. I'm takin' it with me.


Unless I can figure this robot thing out. Termination is imminent in. It's just how the cookie crumbles, or in my case a fractured hip happens. :-)

I have recently done a comparison of Then and Now.

My Then system after selling off my Counterpoint NPS-400 due to repair needs is now the following-

VAC CLA1 MKII Dual Mono Tubed Pre, An OPPO 93 (Replaced my Rotel 1072CDP) and an Odyssey Stratos+ into a pair of Dynaudio Audience 82s

My Now system is now-

Rotel 1572 CDP, Rega P3, Luxman 505UXII, and a pair of Fyne Audio F502SPs

There is a clear and different sound but the Then system still kicks ass in the Bass department along with a smooth silk tweeter. Not as lively or in the room as Now system but still enjoyable and if it was all I had or could afford, it would still be good enough.


While I did not keep my last system, I have a very good memory of it as I had it without changing a component for six or seven years. My design goals were very different.

My old system, while sounding very good, was exceptional at highlighting details: the venue and mastering techniques… these stuck out. The bass was fast and slam substantial. My system now is actually more detailed, but it is not, “in your face”. The system is much more musical, with tremendous mid-range and bass bloom… in exchange for slam the details of bass are separated into individual components. The rhythm and pace excel and it is difficult to pull myself away from it. It has a deep rooted emotional connection with the underlying music.


My design goals changed when I started listening to live acoustic music weekly. Fundamentally these are two completely different sounding systems: the new one much better in every way.