Why I'm not adding a sub to my 2-way monitors for music


I've updated my blog post with more data, more analysis and the conclusion that in my particular case I do not need a subwoofer.  I encourage everyone who is on the fence about adding a subwoofer or not to read and comment.  I think that either way you'll be able to make more informed buying and configuration choices.

Everyone's situation is different but I hope the post helps you get to the right conclusions.



Dear @hshifi  : I understand your need too and I know very well the well regarded JL and Rel subs that hmore marketing that realities. What am I saying with realities?, example the JL THD is over 5% against the 0.5% in the Velodyne and Rel is not way better than JL in that very critical regards. So you have land down there to improve MUSIC and HT enjoyment the better.





Yes, I was kind of hoping that I could find one like Nano in the used market but no luck with it. Good news is that MiniDSP just announces (3 days ago) they are going to release MiniDSP Flex/digit which is basically a stripped down of SHD (without streamer) for sub $500 and allows you to process up to four channels with digital out. Still expensive relative to Nano but much cheaper than SHD.


JL really IS too expensive, it also has some of the best room integration software out there, so it's a mixed bag.  I mean, I'm too cheap, but room integration software matters and if the cost was the same I'd trade distortion for proper integration.


Dear @erik_squires : You are rigth and we need to remember that all audio items choices come with its trade-offs and is up to us to choose the best trade-offs for each one of us.


Something I learned is that in any room/system what determines the overall quality performance level belongs how good is its bass range  and as better the room/system bass range as better that room/system quality performance.



Here how I got a great bass from mediocre Triangle Signatures. 

1. Buy Luxman 120A vintage amp and connect it to the bass speaker posts

2. Connect Maven receiver to the mid-hi speaker posts

3. Use receiver Pre out to connect to Luxman.

Drive speakers with both amplifiers and use volume on Luxman as tone control for bass. Triangles came alive as if by magic. They really start to rock and jazz never sounded so good. At some passages they bass was reverberating in my sofa floor and you can feel it with your 80% liquid body.

I highly recommend it.