At a given price point, better to go late vintage or modern?

This would be for a vacation house. The main listening area in the vacation house.  I set a budget for under $2,000 for a pair of speakers and was thinking I was going to purchase either some dahlquists, Thiels or vandersteens.  What I've discovered shopping locally is that a pair of Thiel 3.6's and a golden ear Triton model 2 are essentially the same price somewhere in the mid teens.


As a reference point my main home system has ar9 speakers while the smaller home theater room has the Andrew Jones pioneer home theater set. The Andrew Jones Pioneers amaze me but then again they are a 30-year newer design. 

Is it folly for me to think that the Thielss can compete with the newer goldenears?



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I have a better idea…
What is in the non-vacation house?

I have Vandersteen 2Cs, and would suggest that the Treos might be better.
And the 2c should be better than 1Cs… depending on age/model, room size, etc.

If you upgraded the house and moved the house system to the vacation house then maybe that makes sense?

I dunno...

Vacation home is under construction, it's naked.  The listening room would be overpowered by the AR9's I fear.   

The vacation home will be 2.0 or 2.1, a critical music room, not home theater.  At this point we do not have plans to have a 5.1 at the vacation home.  Although, those stinking Jones SP-FS52 Pioneers would probably work great work there as front speakers.




I forgot to add congrats on the vacation home ! it’s an interesting first world problem maintaining great systems both locales, especially 1,200 miles apart. The Hafler 220 works great w Vandy. I would venture to say the 2’s left most dealerships with a DH 200/220, a PSE, Amber , B and K, Apt Holman, Audionics of Oregon or similar 100 isg WPC SS amp. i worked at a Vandy dealer back in the day.  Best to you on your musical journey, enjoy tge getaway in excellent health !


Here is link to my vintage toybox ( third system ).. There are 1ci in there, ESL63, Apogee Stage, Cornwall, Theil 2.3, …etc… 



I consider vintage (but not modern) Thiels and modern GE excessively bright and hard on my ears.

Vandersteen sometimes too laid back.

So to my ears, you are really picking among two very different schools of thought and sound quality and there shouldn't be any doubt in your mind which is right for you.